MiSCDC Program

The Michigan Sickle Cell Data Collection (MiSCDC) Program gathers health information about people living with sickle cell disease in Michigan to inform policy changes, health care services improvements, and new treatments.
The MiSCDC Program is a collaboration led by the Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Center at the University of Michigan and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). It is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


An important part of this work is informing interested stakeholders and those living with sickle cell disease of key findings resulting from the data. The MiSCDC Communciations Plan is implemented by MDHHS in conjunction with community-based organizations, and with substantial support and guidance from the CDC.

Academic Publications
Infographics & Briefs

Developing the data analysis plan

While developing the data analysis plan, we considered how to make data findings available and meaningful to key stakeholders, the public, and other state health agencies. A plan for sharing findings from MiSCDC and a timeline for regular sharing of data analysis progress was developed early on as part of the planning process and presented to key stakeholders for their input and buy-in.

Making data available to the public, healthcare providers, and key stakeholders helps to inform best practices, improve healthcare access and services, and develop new resources.

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) affects an estimated 100,000 people in the United States.

This genetic blood disorder can lead to multiple life-long health problems and reduced life expectancy. Increased risks for these serious health problems are worsened by the fact that many individuals with SCD already face systemic barriers to care given that over 90% of persons with SCD are racial minorities.